Home Summer Pudding

Summer Pudding

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  • Strawberries - 300g
  • Blackberries - 250g
  • Redcurrants - 100g
  • Raspberries - 500g
  • Caster Sugar - 175g
  • Bread - 7 Slices

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  • Bring out the juices: Wash fruit and gently dry on kitchen paper – keep strawberries separate.
  • Put sugar and 3 tbsp water into a large pan.
  • Gently heat until sugar dissolves – stir a few times.
  • Bring to a boil for 1 min, then tip in the fruit (not strawberries).
  • Cook for 3 mins over a low heat, stirring 2-3 times.
  • The fruit will be softened, mostly intact and surrounded by dark red juice.
  • Put a sieve over a bowl and tip in the fruit and juice.
  • Line the bowl with cling film and prepare the bread: Line the 1.
  • 25-litre basin with cling film as this will help you to turn out the pudding.
  • Overlap two pieces of cling film in the middle of the bowl as it’s easier than trying to get one sheet to stick to all of the curves.
  • Let the edges overhang by about 15cm.
  • Cut the crusts off the bread.
  • Cut 4 pieces of bread in half, a little on an angle, to give 2 lopsided rectangles per piece.
  • Cut 2 slices into 4 triangles each and leave the final piece whole.
  • Build the pud: Dip the whole piece of bread into the juice for a few secs just to coat.
  • Push this into the bottom of the basin.
  • Now dip the wonky rectangular pieces one at a time and press around the basin’s sides so that they fit together neatly, alternately placing wide and narrow ends up.
  • If you can’t quite fit the last piece of bread in it doesn’t matter, just trim into a triangle, dip in juice and slot in.
  • Now spoon in the softened fruit, adding the strawberries here and there as you go.
  • Let flavours mingle then serve: Dip the bread triangles in juice and place on top – trim off overhang with scissors.
  • Keep leftover juice for later.
  • Bring cling film up and loosely seal.
  • Put a side plate on top and weight down with cans.
  • Chill for 6 hrs or overnight.
  • To serve, open out cling film then put a serving plate upside-down on top and flip over.
  • serve with leftover juice, any extra berries and cream.

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